10 Art Photography Quotes To Inspire You In 2023

20 Quotes About Photography By Famous Photographer
20 Quotes About Photography By Famous Photographer from www.geckoandfly.com

1. “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” - Ansel Adams

The famous American photographer, Ansel Adams, has been inspiring photographers, both novice and professional, to create a photographic masterpiece. This quote speaks volumes about the power of the photographer to create art. When you take a photograph, you don’t just take a picture, you create an image that speaks to you and to others. When you make a photograph, you are creating a piece of art that can be enjoyed by everyone. So, don’t just take pictures, make them.

2. “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” - Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange was a documentary photographer who captured some of the most iconic images of the Great Depression. Her quote speaks to the power of photography to teach people how to see the world around them. Photography can help us appreciate the beauty in the world around us and the moments in life we often take for granted. So, take a moment to appreciate the world around you and use photography to capture those special moments.

3. “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” - Aaron Siskind

Aaron Siskind was an American photographer and educator whose quote speaks to the power of photography to capture special moments in life. Photography can be used to capture the little moments that we often forget but that can bring us joy and happiness. Photos can help us look back on those special moments and remember them, even if we have forgotten them. So, use photography to capture the special moments in life that you don’t want to forget.

4. “The eye should learn to listen before it looks.” - Robert Frank

Robert Frank was a Swiss photographer who was known for his candid street photography. His quote speaks to the importance of taking the time to observe and listen before you take a photograph. Photography is not just about taking the perfect picture, it’s about capturing a moment in time. Taking the time to observe and listen before you take a picture can help you capture the perfect moment that speaks volumes about the scene you are trying to capture. So, take the time to observe and listen before you take a photo.

5. “Photography is a love affair with life.” - Burk Uzzle

Burk Uzzle was an American photographer whose quote speaks to the passion that can be found in photography. Taking photographs can be an incredibly rewarding experience and can help us appreciate the beauty of the world around us. Photography can be a way to express our love of life and can help us capture the special moments that make life so wonderful. So, take the time to appreciate the beauty of life and use photography to capture those moments.

6. “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” - Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange’s quote speaks to the power of photography to capture a moment in time. Photography can be used to capture a moment in time and to stop the world for a brief moment. Photography can be used to remember a moment in time and to appreciate the beauty of a moment that will never come again. So, take the time to appreciate the beauty of a moment and use photography to capture it.

7. “It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, it’s another thing to make a portrait of who they are.” - Paul Caponigro

Paul Caponigro was an American photographer who was known for his use of natural light in his photography. His quote speaks to the power of photography to capture the essence of a person. Photography can be used to capture more than just a person’s physical appearance, it can be used to capture the essence of a person’s personality, who they are, and what makes them unique. So, take the time to get to know your subject and use photography to capture the essence of who they are.

8. “When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” - Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams’s quote speaks to the power of photography to capture a moment in time. Photography can be used to capture a moment that words may not be able to adequately describe. Photography can capture a moment that is filled with emotion, beauty, or even sadness. So, take the time to appreciate the beauty of a moment and use photography to capture it.

9. “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson was a French photographer who is considered to be the father of modern photojournalism. His quote speaks to the importance of practice and dedication when it comes to photography. It takes time to become a great photographer and it is important to practice and learn from your mistakes. You will make mistakes but those mistakes can help you become a better photographer. So, take the time to practice and learn from your mistakes and you can become a great photographer.

10. “A photograph is usually looked at—seldom looked into.” - Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams’s quote speaks to the power of photography to capture a moment in time that can be looked back on and appreciated. Photography can capture a moment that can be looked back on and appreciated. A photograph can capture a moment that speaks to us and that can be appreciated for years to come. So, take the time to appreciate the moment and use photography to capture it.

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